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Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

How NFE works?

How It Works

NanoTech Fuel Enhancer is a highly concentrated fuel additive that utilises dynamic liquid nanotechnology to deliver multiple benefits unparalleled to any other additives in the world.

NanoTech Fuel Enhancer combines its proprietary liquid nanotechnology with the "micro-explosion" technology to deliver immediate and dramatic results that no other fuel additive can offer.

Regular Fuel Combustion

Regular atomisation produces inconsistance (large and small) drops of fuel, which do not burn completely in the combustion chamber. Incomplete combustion results in build-up of combustion chamber deposits, thus increasing harmful emissions, contaminating engine oil and reducing engine life span.


Fuel Combustion with AutoMax NFE

AutoMax NFE creates millions of tiny nano-clusters in the fuel that explode just before and during combustion, increasing turbulence and generating smaller fuel droplets.


'Steam Cleaning' Property

Exploding nano-cluster also create a gentle 'steam cleaning' action that helps break down and disintegrate combustion chamber deposits as well as prevent any future build-up.


Engines with clean combustion chambers run cooler, generate significantly less NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) emissions and can operate on lower octane fuels.

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